Wednesday, September 24, 2014

LAD #7: Washington's Farewell Address

Summary of Washington's Farewell Address:

  • Although Washington proclaimed he was taking himself out of the running for the next Presidency, he hoped that the public would elect another man capable for the job. He had wanted to retire early, but he stayed in his post due to the advice of his advisors and the instability of foreign affairs. He was looking forward to his retirement, but he was profoundly grateful for the country that had bestowed so many honors upon him. In his address, he articulates some parting advice.
    • If the public is ever in a situation that might lead them to separate or degrade the government, Washington reminds them that a unified government is vitally important for the people's protection, prosperity, and liberty.
    • A unified country that works together, can achieve greater growth and success. For example, the Northern seafaring and Southern agriculture together generate prosperous trade and strength at sea.
    • The Union should prevent wars between neighboring states like the wars that some neighboring countries have, because wars are dangerous and put republican liberty at risk.
    • Beware of attempts by a minority to take control of the government, as this will undermine the importance of laws.
    • Competing political parties could lead to the oppression of one group by the other.
    • For the continuation of political prosperity, religion and morality are necessary guidelines.
    • Credit and popular opinion of a great source of strength, but it should be used sparingly.
    • Although alliances with particular foreign powers are discouraged, cultivate peace and friendship with all foreign powers.

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