Tuesday, September 23, 2014

LAD #5: Federalist #10

1. Why are factions so difficult to eliminate? 
  • Factions are an inevitable part of civilization. It is natural that people with similar needs and desires will connect with others who share their same perceptions and ideals. They connect in empathy, and since each man has different circumstances, multiple parties are formed. Any means of common interest may create these factions, like between the rich and poor, mercantilists, etc. They are so difficult to eliminate because the only way to do so would be to rescind their liberties, which would go against everything the American Revolution was fought for and what the federal government stood for. Or, everyone could be given the same treatment, but this is impossible since each person had their own experiences that led them to form their own unique opinions which they have the right to express. 
2. If factions cannot be removed then how can they be controlled?
  • People are biased in favor of their beliefs, so they are never fair judges of the actions that are connected to their ideals. A representative democracy would ensure that the candidate representing its faction is separate from the faction so that he will do things rationally and that will benefit the state. Also, in America, it is more or less impossible for one faction to dominate completely over the others. This is because the United States is made up of many factions, each represented without the fear that one will gain power and impede on their liberties. 

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