Wednesday, January 14, 2015

LAD #28 Wilson's First Inaugural

To begin his first inaugural address, President Wilson notes the change that had recently occurred in the government. He says that simply, the government had taken a turn and was filled with mostly democrats. He did not mean that a great shift of ideals would accompany the great shift in political affiliation, but rather than the new order came to assume known things refreshed by new perspectives. At this time, the nation was threatened by many troubles, especially involving conflicts against the Progressive platform--the platform that republicans Roosevelt and Taft both followed. Wilson praises the moral strength of the nation, before he goes on to list all the problems that needed to be addressed. First, Wilson wanted to conserve natural resources. Additionally, he states justice as the government's new goal, and rectify the wrongs created by industrialization. Wilson approaches the task by asking for the help of not just one party but of humanity as a whole, to take steps towards modifying the economy and bringing it to where it should be. 

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