Monday, November 3, 2014

LAD #11: Declaration of Sentiments

  • Claims to civil liberties and rights to public respect are exemplified in the Seneca Falls Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions. It is modeled on America's most prized document, the Declaration of Independence. It reiterates the principles outlined in the Decalaration of Independence--the inalienable rights of citizens who were all created equal, and the government is responsible for maintaining these rights. However, the Declaration of Sentiments says that not only the government, but also society had failed to protect women's rights, and these women are vital parts of political and social life. Like the original Declaration, the Declaration of Sentiments provides a list of grievances, but this time, the list expresses the sexist acts towards women, like denying their right to vote, to own property, regarding them as morally irresponsible, denying them a high level education, among other things. The Declaration concludes with a list of resolutions, which assert women's rights to the liberties that men have, but deny to women. 

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